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Jorge Bravo-Pratscher

Jorge Pratscher videographer video STS-2 Certified Drone Pilot

Jorge Bravo-Pratscher – STS-2 Certified Drone Pilot & Content-Creator

Jorge is our passionate videographer. He started recording places over 10 years ago when he first got his point-and-shoot Nikon camera back in the time when mobile cameras couldn’t shot videos.

Originally from Venezuela, Jorge has lived in over five countries in different part of the world including Malta, India, UK, Germany, USA, and Spain where he is based now.

Eventually he got a DSLR, a drone and a good mobile capable of shooting slow-mo and 4k videos and a world of opportunity opened to him. His passion has always been hiking and riding his motorbike or a combination of both in order to get to the most beautiful locations. He’s fully proficient on Final Cut Pro which he can use with his eyes closed and deliver a great piece of content and amend anything in a matter of minutes.

Where Jorge likes to be:

  • Mountains, as long as there are mountain happiness is close to him. Mountains just make him happy.
  • Forrests, because he loves trees. He also enjoys everything that can be found in the forests: rivers, birds, deers, insects, moss, snails.
  • Rainforests simply because they offer the best biodiversity you can possibly imagine.
  • The sea he could not leave the mighty ocean out of the list because after all his favourite animal can be found only in the depths of the ocean, the gigantic colossal squid. But he also likes the sea because of the unknown and the importance it has to human beings

You only live once. Go out, explore the world and Jorge`s blog and website

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