Event Industry Podcast: Using influencers to support event marketing

May 17, 2018 by info@wordofmice.com in  events social media
social media influencers event industry podcast

In the latest Event Industry News podcast, Mariska Kesteloo talks to James Dickson about the evolving benefit of utilising social media influencers as a marketing tool for events.

Over the last couple of years, Mariska has been building a network of influencers from across the world. These influencers include Instagrammers, YouTubers and bloggers who may be able to provide a positive impact on an event or destination.

As Mariska explains during the podcast, it’s not just the amount of people that an influencer has access to, it’s the type of people and their relevance to any given campaign.

For a video recording of the conversation, visit the Event Industry News website.


how do you set up a B2B influencer marketing campaign

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Mariska Kesteloo

Founder & Public Speaker

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